So one day, i found a dvd outside so i picked it up and put it in, and it was tntitans it started out with evil music then nightwing popped out but in this episode he was wearin tights and he had red red redddddd Eyes, then he pulled out a knife and went up to beast boy, and said you are a ass. RAVEN IS MY LOVE. Then he stabs Beast Boy in the leg with a knife beast boy runs Around in Circles GOING OW OW OWWWWWW, THen he turns into a Big fat cat THEN XPLODES EVERWHERE,Then Steve from Blues Clues Pops in the Episode and says OHHHHH BOYYYYYY are we having a tea parttyyy???? Nightwing says NOOOOEEEE we are having a Fun CRAZEEEDDDD PARTAY. He then stabs steve and steve starts going WOOOOAHHH AND HE TURNS INTO A BIGGGG FAT ELEPHANT AND BEGINS FLOATING TO THE SKY. and thennnn George Lopez walks in and SAYS WERE AM I? Nightwing says Idk. THEN NIGHTWING THROWS a knife at George lopez and Georges voice is really sqeauky and High then his head gets huge and he floats to the sky screaming  With a High pitched voice. now at last the episode is getting darker then Deadpool pops out and Trys to kill Nightwing but NIGHTWING SAYS.DIEEEE DIE DIEDIIEEEE. Then he Sprays Deadpools suit with Blue dye. Dedpool yells. no i dont wanna DIIEEEEEEEE. Then he turns into blue from blues clues. then He explodes and Blood goes everywhere. Then the episode ended and me will tell you. DIS SCURRED ME 4 LIFE